On 14 December 2014, our Pastor at Hillsong church (Pastor Phil) announced: "Today we are having our anointing service. Our church members are going to come around to everyone and anoint you with oil on your foreheads for the new year." I became really excited when I heard this lol because the word "anointing" had been standing out to me a lot before that service so in my head I was like Oh yeeeaah". As the church members went around to every single person in church I got a feeling that something good was about to happen. I then prayed to God "God, one true eternal God, if this is of you, and this is what you want for me, then please place my struggles in someone's mind and lead them to me. I want the right person to come to me." My struggle was thoughts that the enemy of God would place in my mind, negative thoughts about myself and about my life. Out of nowhere these thoughts of inadequacy would enter my mind "You are inferior. You are nothing. Everyone else is better than you. Your friends do not like you. You should be alone, distance yourself from them. Nobody likes you. You're ugly." etc and these thoughts stop me from doing so many big things in this world, that I know I am very capable of doing. After saying this prayer I waited until approached by one of the main leaders, "Have you been anointed?" she asked my mother who was next to me. "No, both of us haven't." "Okay I'll get to you soon." She proceeded in anointing and praying for the person sitting next to us. I thought to myself "Well, she must be the perfect person to anoint me, because she's a leader here and she must be the one that God placed my problem with, makes sense?" And just as I started getting excited lol another young lady on the other side of the pathway approached us and asked us if we had been anointed, and she made her way directly to me. "What is your name?" she asked "Sydney" I said as tears filled my eyes. She then anointed my forehead with oil and began to pray for me. Her prayer went something like this: "Father God, I ask that you remove any evil words spoken over Sydney and her life. I ask that you remove the strongholds the devil has placed in her mind." I began to cry even more at this point. "Protect her from the enemy, let her see the changes clearly. Remove these false beliefs so that they leave her for the new year and she can fulfil her purpose without them stopping her." At this point I was sniffing like a baby lol "Please bring people into her life, let her meet some good people for her life for this new year. In Jesus name. Amen." When she was done we smiled at each other and I grabbed her and hugged her, because she has no idea what a huge impact that made in my life. I felt free from partial captivity.
On this same night two "supernatural" incidents took place. The first was beautiful, the second was something out of a horror movie lol on my way home from Hillsong at about 8pm I got a call from my two best friends "Syd, we overslept and when we woke up it was too late for church! So upset we missed church!" "Ah, you guys missed an incredible service, you really were supposed to be here tonight." "Can we come over? Let us know when you're home. You can tell us about it." They came over and I explained everything. When it was time to leave, as they were pulling out of the driveway I looked up at the sky at a bright white star, the brightest in the sky. I looked back down at their car and waved goodbye and as I was waving, out of nowhere, this really bright orange/red light shot from the sky fast toward a tree and it was gone. My first thought was "That was definitely an alien ship, no doubt." lol I only saw a shooting star once in my entire life, in my backyard when I was really young. So to see this really felt like it meant something, and I felt like I was being watched in anticipation. I thought maybe I should walk to this tree, but doubt and fear sunk in and stopped me from walking alone in the dark. As I stood there starring at the tree I heard a voice "Sydney?" I turned around and it was my brother lol looking very confused. "Come here quickly! Come with me to this tree!" I asked him." Sebastian must have been scared out of his mind, because he didn't even reply lol he just went back to bed. I went to his room "Seby! Come with me quickly, I just saw a shooting star and I feel like I have to go to the tree it flew into." "Nope. Not going. No way." and so I ended up not going either. I can only imagine how weird that must have looked though hahahaha seeing your sister stand outside by the garage starring at the sky in the dark lol I wouldn't go with either. I then returned to my bedroom to write and read a little before sleeping.
When I was sitting in bed on my laptop my dog (who never leaves my side) had his head down with his eyes facing me. His eyes were closed, but they were flickering fast, which I've never seen his eyes do before, and I've had him for a while now lol. I thought that maybe he was just having his first doggy nightmare lol but then he opened his eyes for a while and starred at me with white eyeballs then he closed them again. His eyes then started flickering again, moving really fast up and down. I touched his body to wake him, but he didn't move it just kept flickering. I shook him harder and he finally woke up, so I figured it was just a nightmare. I closed my eyes and started dozing off into a nightmare. I started feeling attacked, my mind was flooded with negative thoughts and the hugest headache came over me. I opened my eyes and on the left side of my face, standing on all fours was my dog Chaplin, starring down at me for the first time. This fully got me up lol So, not being sure if we can pray for animals, I said a prayer saying "Father God if this dog is possessed, please rebuke this demon." and I added "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, leave my dogs body now" and I slept in peace. What is weird is that it happened again twice after this moment (on other days) and I managed to take a video of his eyes the third time it happened with my phone, but guess what, my phone will not play it. It plays all the other videos, but when I click play on that video it's just black. So since there are no witnesses (as there normally are) all I have is my words and experience, and I'm sharing it. Below is a picture of my dog that I'm talking about, Chaplin.
So as you can see for yourself, this is a cute dog lol we must never hate people or animals, only the evil spirits who influence them as Jesus Christ once cast demons out of a human and allowed then to go into animals (pigs) which then drowned immediately. So we, while remaining realistic, need to also remain vigilant. There is a saying that goes - rather safe than sorry.
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